Glaciares de Chile

- Glaciares del Volcán Melimoyu
- Glaciares del Nevado de Queulat
- Glaciares del Volcán Mentolat
- Glaciares del Volcán Cay
- Glaciares del Volcán Macá
- Glaciares del Volcán Hudson
- Glaciar Erasmo
- Glaciar San Rafael
- Glaciar San Quintín
- Campo de Hielo Norte
- Glaciar Nef
- Glaciar Colonia
- Lago Cachet II
- Glaciar Steffen
- Glaciares del Monte San Lorenzo
- Glaciar Jorge Montt
- Glaciar Lucía
- Glaciar Los Moscos
- Glaciar Bernardo
- Glaciar O’Higgins
- Glaciar Chico
- Campo de Hielo Sur

- Campo de Hielo Sur
- Glaciar Témpanos
- Glaciar Bernardo
- Glaciar Pío XI
- Glaciar Viedma
- Glaciar Perito Moreno
- Glaciar Dickson
- Glaciar Olvidado
- Glaciar Grey
- Glaciar Amalia
- Glaciar Pingo
- Glaciar Tyndall
- Glaciar Balmaceda
- Isla Desolación
- Glaciares de la Isla Santa Inés
- Seno Gabriel
- Glaciar Schiaparelli
- Glaciar Marinelli
- Fiordo Parry
- Cordillera Darwin
- Glaciar Garibaldi
- Glaciar Roncagli
- Glaciares Isla Hoste
"Holocene stability of the Amundsen-Weddell ice divide, West Antarctica."
Ross, N., M. Siegert, J. Woodward, A.M. Smith, H.F.J. Corr, M.J. Bentley, R.C.A. Hindmarsh, E.C. King, and A. Rivera (2011) : “Holocene stability of the Amundsen-Weddell ice divide, West Antarctica.” Geology, doi:10.1130/G31920.
Resumen / Abstract.
We analyze Holocene ice flow using global positioning system and radio-echo sounding data acquired near the Amundsen-Weddell ice divide, between Pine Island Glacier and the Institute Ice Stream, West Antarctica. The data show that this part of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) has maintained a stable ice flow regime and ice divide position for ∼7000 yr. Independent glacial geological data, in support of this assertion, suggest that the interior of the WAIS west of the Ellsworth Mountains has thinned by only a few hundred meters since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and that the position of the ice divide may be recurrent over longer (more than 20 k.y., perhaps pre-Quaternary) time scales. We suggest that basal topography constrains ice flow in this sector of the WAIS, making the ice divide relatively insensitive to perturbations around the margins of the ice sheet compared with other ice divides. Large-scale forcing measured elsewhere in the WAIS as major reorganizations of the ice sheet surface and flowline pattern may be manifested only in simple vertical changes of the Amundsen-Weddell interior.