Glaciares de Chile

- Glaciares del Volcán Melimoyu
- Glaciares del Nevado de Queulat
- Glaciares del Volcán Mentolat
- Glaciares del Volcán Cay
- Glaciares del Volcán Macá
- Glaciares del Volcán Hudson
- Glaciar Erasmo
- Glaciar San Rafael
- Glaciar San Quintín
- Campo de Hielo Norte
- Glaciar Nef
- Glaciar Colonia
- Lago Cachet II
- Glaciar Steffen
- Glaciares del Monte San Lorenzo
- Glaciar Jorge Montt
- Glaciar Lucía
- Glaciar Los Moscos
- Glaciar Bernardo
- Glaciar O’Higgins
- Glaciar Chico
- Campo de Hielo Sur

- Campo de Hielo Sur
- Glaciar Témpanos
- Glaciar Bernardo
- Glaciar Pío XI
- Glaciar Viedma
- Glaciar Perito Moreno
- Glaciar Dickson
- Glaciar Olvidado
- Glaciar Grey
- Glaciar Amalia
- Glaciar Pingo
- Glaciar Tyndall
- Glaciar Balmaceda
- Isla Desolación
- Glaciares de la Isla Santa Inés
- Seno Gabriel
- Glaciar Schiaparelli
- Glaciar Marinelli
- Fiordo Parry
- Cordillera Darwin
- Glaciar Garibaldi
- Glaciar Roncagli
- Glaciares Isla Hoste
“A review of the current state and recent changes of the Andean cryosphere”
Masiokas, M., A. Rabatel, A. Rivera, L. Ruiz, P. Pitte, J.L., Ceballos, G. Barcaza, A. Soruco, F. Bown, E. Berthier, I. Dussaillant & S. MacDonell (2020): “A review of the current state and recent changes of the Andean cryosphere”. Front. Earth Sci.
Resumen / Abstract.
The Andes Cordillera contains the most diverse cryosphere on Earth, including extensive areas covered by seasonal snow, numerous tropical and extratropical glaciers, and many mountain permafrost landforms. Here, we review some recent advances in the study of the main components of the cryosphere in the Andes, and discuss the changes observed in the seasonal snow and permanent ice masses of this region over the past decades. The open access and increasing availability of remote sensing products has produced a substantial improvement in our understanding of the current state and recent changes of the Andean cryosphere, allowing an unprecedented detail in their identification and monitoring at local and regional scales. Analyses of snow cover maps has allowed the identification of seasonal patterns and long term trends in snow accumulation for most of the Andes, with some sectors in central Chile and central-western Argentina showing a clear decline in snowfall and snow persistence since 2010. This recent shortage of mountain snow has caused an extended, severe drought that is unprecedented in the hydrological and climatological records from this region. Together with data from global glacier inventories, detailed inventories at local/regional scales are now also freely available, providing important new information for glaciological, hydrological, and climatological assessments in different sectors of the Andes. Numerous studies largely based on field measurements and/or remote sensing techniques have documented the recent glacier shrinkage throughout the Andes. This observed ice mass loss has put Andean glaciers among the highest contributors to sea level rise per unit area.