
Glaciares de Chile


"First results of a paleoatmospheric chemistry and climate study of cerro Tapado glacier, Chile"

Ginot, P., Schwikowski, M., Gággeler, H., Schotterer, U., Kull, C., Funk, M., Rivera, A., Stampfli, F. & Stichler, W. (2002) : “First results of a paleoatmospheric chemistry and climate study of cerro Tapado glacier, Chile” In: The Patagonian Icefields. A unique natural laboratory for environmental and climate change studies. CASASSA, G., F. SEPÚLVEDA & R. SINCLAIR (Eds.) Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp. 157-167.

Resumen / Abstract.

In February 1999 a 36 m ice core reaching bedrock of the cerro Tapado summit glacier (5550m, 30°08’S, 69°55′ W) was recovered in order to investigate the suitability of this glacier as paleoenvironmental an climate archive. Site selection was based on the assumption thas this area is strongly influenced by the El Niño phenomenon. Glaciochemical data indicate that a record of about 100 years is contained in the ice core and that El Niño periods are characterized by low concentrations of chemical species.
