
Glaciares de Chile


"Inventory of glaciers in isla Riesco, Patagonia, Chile, based on aerial photography and satellite imagery"

Casassa, G., Smith, K., Rivera, A. Araos, J. Schnirch M. & Schneider C. (2002) : “Inventory of glaciers in isla Riesco, Patagonia, Chile, based on aerial photography and satellite imagery” Annals of Glaciology, 34:373-378.

Resumen / Abstract.

A glacier inventory for península Cordova, isla Riesco, Chilean Patagonia (53º14′ S,73º00′ W), has been compiled based on stereoscopic interpretation of aerial photographs ofMarch and December 1984 and 1:100 000 topographicmaps.Three small icefields comprising 33 glacier outlets, in addition to 12 small separate glaciers, have been identified, with a total area of 57km2. Glaciers are located onmountain peaks with amaximumaltitude of 1183m and a lower most elevation of 100m. All glaciers terminate on land, except for three glaciers calving into small fresh-water lakes. A LandsatThematicMapper (TM) image of 6 October 1986 has been rectified and analyzed using a supervised classification to estimate snow- and glacier – covered surfaces. Glacier – area data derived from satellite-image analyses have been adjusted at península Cordova using photo – interpreted data, and extrapolated to estimate a glacier area of 215§40km2 for all of isla Riesco.
