
Glaciares de Chile


"Rapid urban growth, land-use changes and air pollution in Santiago, Chile"

Romero, H.; Ihl, M.; Rivera, A.; Zalazar, P. and Azocar, P. (1999) : “Rapid urban growth, land-use changes and air pollution in Santiago, Chile” Atmospheric Environment, 33: 4039-4047.

Resumen / Abstract.

This paper is a contribution to the understanding of the topoclimatic and environmental geography of the basin where Santiago one of the most polluted Latin American city is located. In the first part, land-use change is analysed looking at the climatic transformation caused by the rapid transit from natural semiarid surface to urban areas. In the second part, seasonal weather and daily cycles of slope winds and the available ventilation are described trying to relate those patterns with the spatial distribution of air pollution. A combination of meteorological, geographical and cultural factors explain extreme air pollution events: meteorologically, Santiago is under permanent subsidence inversion layers. 
