
Glaciares de Chile

Región de Arica y Parinacota

Región de Tarapacá


Región de Antofagasta


Región de Atacama


Región de Coquimbo


Región de Valparaíso

Región Metropolitana de Santiago

Región del Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins

Región del Maule

Región del Ñuble

Región del Biobío

Región de La Araucanía

Región de Los Ríos

Región de Los Lagos

Región de Aysén del General Carlos Ibañez del Campo

Región de Magallanes


Investigating potential icequakes at Llaima volcano, Chile

Lamb, O., J. Lees, L. Marín, J. Lazo, A. Rivera, M. Shore & S. Lee (2020):  Volcanica 3(1): 29 – 42. doi: 10.30909/vol.03.01.2942

Resumen / Abstract.

Glacially- and magmatically-derived seismic events have been noted to heavily overlap in their characteristics, thus
there exists the potential for false-alarms or missed warnings at ice-covered volcanoes. Here we present the first
study to specifically investigate icequakes at an ice-covered volcano in Southern Chile. Two months of broadband
seismic data collected at Llaima volcano in 2015 were analyzed in order to quantify, characterize, and locate potential
glacially-derived seismic events at one of the most active ice-covered volcanoes in the region. We find over 1,000
repeating seismic events across 11 families, the largest of which contains 397 events. Approximate locations and
characteristics of the largest families lead us to conclude that these events were derived from persistent stick-slip
motion along the ice-rock interface at the base of a glacier near the volcano summit. These results have implications
for future seismic monitoring at Llaima volcano and other ice-covered active volcanoes in the region.
