Glaciares de Chile

- Glaciares del Volcán Melimoyu
- Glaciares del Nevado de Queulat
- Glaciares del Volcán Mentolat
- Glaciares del Volcán Cay
- Glaciares del Volcán Macá
- Glaciares del Volcán Hudson
- Glaciar Erasmo
- Glaciar San Rafael
- Glaciar San Quintín
- Campo de Hielo Norte
- Glaciar Nef
- Glaciar Colonia
- Lago Cachet II
- Glaciar Steffen
- Glaciares del Monte San Lorenzo
- Glaciar Jorge Montt
- Glaciar Lucía
- Glaciar Los Moscos
- Glaciar Bernardo
- Glaciar O’Higgins
- Glaciar Chico
- Campo de Hielo Sur

- Campo de Hielo Sur
- Glaciar Témpanos
- Glaciar Pío XI
- Glaciar Viedma
- Glaciar Perito Moreno
- Glaciar Dickson
- Glaciar Olvidado
- Glaciar Grey
- Glaciar Amalia
- Glaciar Pingo
- Glaciar Tyndall
- Glaciar Balmaceda
- Isla Desolación
- Glaciares de la Isla Santa Inés
- Seno Gabriel
- Glaciar Schiaparelli
- Glaciar Marinelli
- Fiordo Parry
- Cordillera Darwin
- Glaciar Garibaldi
- Glaciar Roncagli
- Glaciares Isla Hoste
"Reconstructing Climate Variations in South America and the Antarctic Peninsula over the last 2000 years"
Rivera, A.; Christie, D.; Villalba, R. and Grosjean, M. (2010) : “Reconstructing Climate Variations in South America and the Antarctic Peninsula over the last 2000 years” II International symposium.
Resumen / Abstract.
The objective of the Conference is to gather experts from different fields in climate dynamics, paleoclimatology (instrumental, proxy data and models) and glaciology, in order to review current knowledge and discuss new data sets, evaluate the interpretation of proxy data, and to search for calibration and quantification techniques of proxy data sets in South America and the Antarctic Peninsula. The long-term goal of this collaborative meeting is to continue working towards a comprehensive view of regional forced and unforced climate variability and environmental change during the past few millennia, and to produce a gridded data set of climate variables from high-resolution multi-proxy time series. At the 1st Meeting “Reconstructing Past Regional Climate Variations in South America over the late Holocene”, 133 scientists from 17 countries (mainly from Argentina, Chile, Switzerland and USA) joined for review keynotes, and presentations of advancements in palaeoclimate, present climate, and climate modeling research. This Conference in Valdivia-Chile will bring together scientist working on tree-rings, lake and marine sediments, glaciology, ice cores, historical documents, speleothems and other paleoclimate archives, all of them interested in paleoclimatic reconstructions for different regions of tropical, extratropical and subantarctic South America and the Antarctic Peninsula. Also the meeting will benefit from the participation of climatologists working on issues related to modeling and present climate of South America and the Antarctic Peninsula to provide a dynamically meaningful and physically plausible framework for the interpretation of past environmental records.